This is Damien my new project. Above is a drawing I did on the train. (I wonder why nobody sits next to
me on the subway) The next image is a wire frame. The idea for this guy came from Vampire Damien. I still
haven`t planned on the wing movement but I`m sure something will come up.

Here the frame is being wrapped with cotton. The wood frame will be painted flat black and will not be
seen in the end product.

The body is covered in brown-colored latex. I brush on the latex to cover the cotton. The more coats of
latex the smoother the skin gets.

This is where I`m at now with most of the body buildup. I have to add claws and some big wings that
move so this project is far from being done. He`ll also get some nice and bright red led eyes. Right now
he`s 32″ high and 23″ wide.

I added the bone frame for his wings but I`m not sure how I`ll add a covering to them yet.

Here are two pictures of the side and back view. I found some cool hinges in the trash that work well for this project. The picture on the right shows them. I`m going to use a crank to pull a cable that will open the wings and I have a piece of an elastic tie-down that pulls the wings close. This is the red strap by the hinge.

These pictures show the wings open and closed. It doesn`t look too hot now but I bet it will look cool when it’s flapping open and close slow like I`m watching my dinner down there

In another side view you can see the elastic strap better. On the right, I`m starting to install some skin. Yep, that’s a paper towel.

I used a wire to hold the wings open as I worked on them. I also used a fan to help dry the latex

The picture on the left is wings closed and the right is wings open. I don`t want them closing too much.

Here a back view of the wings opened and closed. The crank works ok but I haven`t let it run for a few hours yet.

Here’s the finished front view with the wings opened and closed. You can`t see the face because he sits up on a building looking down for lunch.

A face shot from the floor. The eyes are red LEDs mounted in a set of hot glue (glow in the dark) eyes. The teeth are also painted with glow-in-the-dark paint. There are two short videos of the wings opening and closing below.
Video 1 is a back view of the wings opening & closing.
Video 2 is a front view of the wings opening & closing.