Project Categories

Here you will find a complete list of all the project categories. The number next to the category name indicates the number of posts in the category. If you select a categoy with “0” the site will go to that category but nothing will be displayed.

The complete list of categories is listed here so you may submit a project and tell me where you would like it placed. Also if you have a project that fits in a category not listed one can be created for your project!

Legacy Posts

Many of the posts are “Legacy” posts that have been recreated from the original Haunt Project website.

Given that many of these Legacy posts are quite old some of the information such as where to get parts or the parts themselves are no longer available.

That said the posts show a great deal of creativity and even though they may not be able to be followed in a step-by-step manner they will certainly help inspire your own creative genius. Please celebrate the fact others have shared.

And, if you have a project you would like to share please contact Haunt Project.