Submit A Project

Do you have a haunt project you would like showcased on I would love to showcase your work!

How Is This Done? will showcase the project with a “guest post”

Haunt Project will create a post with your project explanations, pictures and videos. The files will be stored on the server that houses Or in the case of video, on YouTube. If you have a YouTube channel that is hosting the video, great, we will embed the video into the post.

Any project you submit for showcasing will be credited and backlinked to the destination of your choice.

How To Do It

Fill out the form below.

After the form is received and reviewed you will be contacted via email. At that point you will simply write your explanation in a document and send it via email with pictures and or videos.

Emails back and forth (normally 2 to 4) will be the method of communication (nothing complicated).

Why A “Guest Post”?

In the past acted as a directory showing categories and listing within the categories that had a featured image and a link. Over time people who submitted a project stopped supporting the site where the project was hosted.

When project seekers came to and clicked they would find the following. . .

Finding a project you want to learn about only to be served with the above statements is very disappointing, makes a bad experience for the user, and makes look bad.

The intent of this website is to share projects (forever if possible!)