have seen many gross Halloween fountains, but my favorite was demonstrated by Ron Tye at one of his gatherings. It looked simple, effective, gross, and inexpensive. I just had to build something like it!

We started with a bird bath, or perhaps it is a feeder.
We would have preferred one with two tiers, but this one was generously donated to our cause, and we were happy to use it. We’ll just give it another tier.

The bird bath has a raised section in the middle that exactly fits the mouth of an inverted plastic flower pot.

The pump is from Harbor Freight Tools. They have several different sizes of fountain pumps.
We chose this one because it is small, and will fit in the relatively shallow bird bath. It is #45303, and lists for $9.99

A small lever on the pump allows you to set higher and lower flow rates.
According to the box, the pump is capable of a maximum of 66 gallons per hour, just a bit more than a gallon a minute.

We decided to fill the fountain with cast plaster skulls. These ones are resting after their second coat of Thompson’s Water Seal. We suspect that they will still absorb the coloring from the fake blood and turn pink. That’s OK.

Here we have the skulls piled up to show the intended effect.
In operation, the purple fluted dish will be painted to match the bird bath.